Thursday, February 1, 2018

What is keeping you from your dream vacation?

My guess is Money.  Am I right?  It doesn't seem that way when I go to a Disney park.  It seems that everyone there is spending a ton of money.  There are two very real possibilities.  One, those blessed folk just have more than I do, and that is great.  Two, some of those folks are up to their eyeballs in debt, and have no idea how or when they will eventually have to pay for that vacation.  I believe both of these scenarios are true.

 If you are deeply in debt, kudos to you for not racking up more debt by going on a fancy vacation!  If it were me though, I would make my dream vacation a goal for when I am finally debt-free.  Don't go deeper in debt for a vacation!  And I am not just talking about Disney, I am talking about cruises and Hawaii, and you-name-it fabulous destination.  Instead, use that goal as an incentive to do what you have to do to get out of debt.

  If you are new to the budgeting and get-out-of-debt world, I recommend Dave Ramsey.  Also because there are so many websites and blog posts about that kind of stuff all over Pinterest, I am not going to bore you with redundant information.

 My only advice in order to get out of debt and save is this: have a "why".   If you don't have a really good reason, or reasons, you won't have the strength or discipline that it is going to take.  I love going on vacation.  Its a special time for me and my family.  I want to go on a cruise.  We want to go to Hawaii.  But the truth is that there are other more important things that need my financial interest, like retirement.  Its all about priorities, folks. 

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